St. Benedict

St. Benedict

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Desert Fathers... Macarius of Alexandria

Macarius of Alexandria was a tradesman, a seller of sweetmeats. He went to visit Pachomius at least once during Lent. He was a hermit and priest in the Cells, famous for extreme asceticism; one of his disciples was Paphnutius. He died about A. D. 393.

Abba Macarius went one day to Abba Pachomius of Tabennisi. Pachomius asked him, 'When brothers do not submit to the rule, is it right to correct them?' Abba Macarius said to him, 'Correct and judge justly those who are subject to you, but judge no-one else. For truly it is written: "Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside."' (1 Cor. 5.12-13)

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