St. Benedict

St. Benedict

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bible Passages For Every Occasion

Old Testament

Where the Ten Commandments are found -- Exodus 20 or Deuteronomy 5
For the Power of Prayer -- II Kings 20: 6
Two identical Bible Chapters -- II Kings 9 and Isaiah 37
Longest verse in the Bible - Esther 8: 9
When you're discouraged, read Isaiah 40
For courage for your task, read Joshua 1
For a great invitation and a great opportunity, read Isaiah 55
For a prophet's viewpoint of worship that counts, read Isaiah 58: 1-12
For a prophet's viewpoint of religion, read Isaiah1: 10 -18t or Micah 6: 6 - 8th
For a marvelous description, read Ecclesiastes 12


To be reminded that sorrow and suffering follow forgetfulness of God, read Psalm 137
Four identical verses in the Bible -- Psalm 107: 8, 15, 21, and 31
When you're lonesome and fearful, turn to the Shepherd's Psalm, Psalm 23
When men fail you and for a renewed faith in God, read Psalm 27
If you have sinned, read Psalm 51
Before church services, read Psalm 84
When you are in danger, read Psalm 91
When you are despondent and blue, read Psalm 34
If God seems far away, read Psalm 139
If you have forgotten your blessings, read Psalm 103
When the world seems bigger than God, read Psalm 90
When your prayers grow narrow and selfish, read Psalm 67
Before you leave home for labor or travel, read Psalm 121
To feel God's presence in nature, read Psalm 24
For proof that the man who believes in God will triumph, read Psalm 46
For a reminder that a good man will not spread slanders against his neighbor, read Psalm 15

New Testament

Where the Lord's Prayer is found -- Matthew 6 or Luke11
For Christ's idea of a Christian, read the Beatitudes, Matthew 5
For the story of Paul's conversion, read Acts 9
Shortest verse in the Bible -- John, 11: 35
For the story of the Prodigal Son, read Luke 15
To be fruitful, turn to the abiding chapter of the Bible, John 15
When you sorrow, seek solace by reading John 14
When you're worried, read Matthew 6:19 - 34
When you're beset with doubts, read John 7: 17
For James' idea of religion, read James 1:19-27
For the story of the Ten Virgins, read Matthew 25
When your faith needs stirring, read Hebrews 11
When you feel down and out, read Romans 8: 31 -39
When you want peace and rest, read Matthew 11: 25 -30
For Christian assurance, read Romans 8: 1-30
For Paul's secret of happiness, read Colossians 3: 12 -17
If you feel bitter or critical, read I Corinthians 13, called by many Bible and literature scholars the most beautiful chapter in the Bible
For Paul's idea of Christianity, read II Corinthians 5: 5 - 19
For Paul's rules for getting along with men, read Romans 12. The first verse is called the consecration verse
When you think of investments and returns, read Mark 10: 17- 31
Greatest verse in the Bible -- John 3: 16
To find the Resurrection chapter of the Bible, turn to 1 Corinthians 15.
The Rest verse of the Bible -- Matthew 11: 28
The Last Commandment -- Acts 1:8

Taken from: "Faith of our Fathers -- The Eastern Orthodox Religion" by Stan W. Carlson and The Very Rev. Leonid Soroka, Dean UMW Published by The Olympic Press, Minneapolis, MN -- Copyright 1954, revised in 1958. Officially approved for publication by Metropolitan Leonty, Archbishop of NY, Primate, ROGC Church of NA, and The Rev. Joseph Stephanko, Censor, St. Andrew of Crete Day, NY City, NY.

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