St. Benedict

St. Benedict

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Who are we?

(The following is taken from an article from a number of years ago, presenting the original concept behind the ROC.)

The Holy Orthodox faith was considered limited almost entirely to the eastern world for nearly eight centuries. The apparent absence of Orthodoxy in the West fostered the belief that Orthodoxy was
completely "eastern", or limited to those immigrants and their descendants whose cultural heritage originates in countries where Orthodox Christianity is indigenous. This assumption however, denies a long and ancient history of Orthodoxy in the Western world. Albeit at times somewhat repressed, a history of more than 1900 years, beginning with the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

 "Orthodoxy over Ethnicity!"

 Throughout the church's first millennium Christians of the East and  West shared a common faith. Those who have continued to hold to those Apostolic doctrines, and reject the concept of a developing and evolving church are known as "Orthodox Catholics", (catholic meaning complete and universal), or simply "Orthodox". Now, by the grace of  Almighty God, Orthodoxy has emerged openly once again in the west.

 The Roman Orthodox Church is: "Catholic but not papal; Orthodox but not Eastern."

 The Roman Orthodox Church has a specific mission to reach out to the world in a Benedictine expression of Holy Orthodoxy according to the ancient Roman Rite. This approach has its origin with Saint Benedict of
 Nursia. Like all Christians who lived and died prior to the "Great> Schism" (i.e. the separation of the eastern and western churches), Saint Benedict was himself an Orthodox Christian.

 Saint Benedict epitomizes the ancient and Apostolic Roman traditions of Orthodoxy. His concept of balancing prayer and work has made him a role model for many Christians seeking balance in their lives. His concept and those traditions are continued today among the Clergy and Religious of the Roman Orthodox Church who are Orthodox Benedictine canons and monastics, belonging to the Roman Congregation of Orthodox Benedictines.
 The ancient tradition of the early Roman Church as it gathered in the catacombs, was to daily offer morning and evening prayers, culminating in the celebration of Divine Liturgy and the Holy Eucharist on Sundays and Holy Days. This same ancient and Apostolic pattern is still followed today by the Roman Orthodox Church.

 The word "Orthodox" stems from two Greek words - "Orthos" meaning "right" or "straight", and "Doxa" meaning "worship" or "glory". The Roman Orthodox Church is rooted in Orthodox "right" doctrine, and
 identifies with those ancient Christians who stood for Christ; faithful in the face of persecution and martyrdom.

 In a time of watered-down accommodating religion, the Roman Orthodox Church offers the alternative.

 True Christian fellowship; unadulterated, uncompromised Orthodox Doctrine.

 We are a Traditional, Sacramental and Liturgical Church rooted in Jesus Christ and the Apostolic Traditions. The Roman Orthodox Church offers you that same faith given by our Lord Jesus for all people, in all places, at all times.

 "As it was in the beginning it is now and ever shall be."

 Come. Worship with us in spirit and in truth. You can do so today just as those first Christians worshiped in the church's beginning.

 You Can Go Home Again.

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